Monday, December 19, 2022

Farid. Commander or 99? - 377

Farid makes “useless” scrap tokens. Of course we’re going to see how we can get a ton of value from them! Here’s a look at Farid and cards that would go in their deck, as well as some other Commanders that would appreciate Farid’s extra scrap!

Here's a TCGPlayer link to the cards I mentioned in this episode. If you’re planning on getting these, or any other cards, please go through this link. It helps support the show:

If you’re listening in Canada, I’ve got a coupon code for money off your singles through the Wizard’s Tower. Use code BREWBROTHERS to get 5% off your Magic Singles orders of $20 or more. Check it all out at

You can always help the show directly through and get access to our discord to help us brew our decks as well as other perks!


Twitter: @commandersbrew

Monday, December 12, 2022

Tawnos Spellslinger - 376

Tawnos seems like an artifact Commander at first, but there’s a powerful spellslinger brew in here too. Returning spells by copying creatures, untapping Tawnos, proliferating the charge counters on huge artifacts. This deck is a hoot!

If you’re listening in Canada, I’ve got a coupon code for money off your singles through the Wizard’s Tower. Use code BREWBROTHERS to get 5% off your Magic Singles orders of $20 or more. Check it all out at

You can always help the show directly through and get access to our discord to help us brew our decks as well as other perks!


Twitter: @commandersbrew

Monday, December 5, 2022

Mishra - Unearth Pingers - 375

Mishra Unearth doesn’t do this Commander justice. There’s a lot of neat synergies to dig up surrounding this ability. And there’s a hidden pinger deck that goes perfectly with Mishra.

Here's a TCGPlayer link to the cards I mentioned in this episode. If you’re planning on getting these, or any other cards, please go through this link. It helps support the show:

If you’re listening in Canada, I’ve got a coupon code for money off your singles through the Wizard’s Tower. Use code BREWBROTHERS to get 5% off your Magic Singles orders of $20 or more. Check it all out at

You can always help the show directly through and get access to our discord to help us brew our decks as well as other perks!


Twitter: @commandersbrew