If you'd like to purchase any cards we've included in this or any of our other decks you can use our affiliate link below, it helps us out bigtime!
TCG Link: http://bit.ly/E259CitadelOn top of American listeners getting our decks from TCGplayer, our Canadian listeners are better off using MTGCanada and the Wizard's Tower exclusive coupon code BREWDOUBLE to get 5% off your order and FREE Canadian shipping as long as you order $15 or more! Check it all out at www.mtgcanada.com/commandersbrew!
This mardu deck LOVES Bolas' Citadel but also anything where we pay life and take/prevent damage a la The Wanderer and Command the Dreadhorde. It's a fun combo/artistocrats deck style inspired by of all things, a Jund Historic deck!
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Visit www.commandersbrew.com for direct downloads and a streaming version of the podcast.
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Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.
"There It Is"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0