Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Wrath Me, Bro - 174

Tired of getting your creatures destroyed en mass? Want to punish your opponents for playing cards that have such devastating effects and create such card advantage? Look no further than this week's EDh deck that WANTS your opponents to wrath the board. Are we nuts? Find out!!!

Check out the decklist here: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/kresh-wrath-me-bro/?cb=1543248302

Go to www.patreon.com/commandersbrew if you'd like to donate to the podcast and get all the cool perks!

Head on over to www.wizardtower.com for all your Magic needs! Great prices on singles and free shipping on cards within Canada if you spend $15 or more! Plus if you use our coupon code, cityofbrews, you'll get 5% off any order over $15!

Visit www.commandersbrew.com for direct downloads and a streaming version of the podcast.

Like our kind of humour? Check out our Brews News comedy playlist on YouTube for real inside jokes for Magic players! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLjcRrl68PLwQSmjTIRztlZNvIQWZSxlX

Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.

"There It Is"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Abz-Lands - 173

This week we take a classic commander and give them a bit of a different spin. It's Karador Ghost Chieftain and Abzan Lands. This is our take on what could have/should have been the lands-matters precon from C18. Hey we even make up our own Planeswalker commander!

Check out the decklist here: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/karador-lands-matter/?cb=1542653890

Go to www.patreon.com/commandersbrew if you'd like to donate to the podcast and get all the cool perks!

Head on over to www.wizardtower.com for all your Magic needs! Great prices on singles and free shipping on cards within Canada if you spend $15 or more! Plus if you use our coupon code, cityofbrews, you'll get 5% off any order over $15!

Visit www.commandersbrew.com for direct downloads and a streaming version of the podcast.

Like our kind of humour? Check out our Brews News comedy playlist on YouTube for real inside jokes for Magic players! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLjcRrl68PLwQSmjTIRztlZNvIQWZSxlX

Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.

"There It Is"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Zedruu Toxic Friendship - 172

This week Sean cooks us up a bit of a different take on a Zedruu deck featuring everyone's favourite turn stealing artifact, Mindslaver! Less about locks and more about giving you something bad and making you use it till you die, this deck has a lot of moving parts but is super fun to try and get working!

Check out the decklist here: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/zedruu-toxic-friendship/?cb=1542173848

Go to www.patreon.com/commandersbrew if you'd like to donate to the podcast and get all the cool perks!

Head on over to www.wizardtower.com for all your Magic needs! Great prices on singles and free shipping on cards within Canada if you spend $15 or more! Plus if you use our coupon code, cityofbrews, you'll get 5% off any order over $15!

Visit www.commandersbrew.com for direct downloads and a streaming version of the podcast.

Like our kind of humour? Check out our Brews News comedy playlist on YouTube for real inside jokes for Magic players! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLjcRrl68PLwQSmjTIRztlZNvIQWZSxlX

Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.

"There It Is"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Monday, November 5, 2018

Epic Experiment Revisited - 171

This week we take a look back at our most requested deck, from Episode 99, Epic Experiment. In this revisit we unveil the actual build Andy uses including all the budget upgrades and tweaks we've always talked about. new commanders, an updated 3 stars and of course budget report. Plus a section where we discuss what additions we might make from recent sets. There's a little something here for everyone!

Check out the decklist here: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/epic-experiment-revisited/?cb=1541444063'

Check out the OLD decklist here: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/13-06-17-epic-experiment/

Go to www.patreon.com/commandersbrew if you'd like to donate to the podcast and get all the cool perks!

Head on over to www.wizardtower.com for all your Magic needs! Great prices on singles and free shipping on cards within Canada if you spend $15 or more! Plus if you use our coupon code, cityofbrews, you'll get 5% off any order over $15!

Visit www.commandersbrew.com for direct downloads and a streaming version of the podcast.

Like our kind of humour? Check out our Brews News comedy playlist on YouTube for real inside jokes for Magic players! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLjcRrl68PLwQSmjTIRztlZNvIQWZSxlX

Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.

"There It Is"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0