Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Shattergang Brothers - 27

This week Sean and Andy get back to basics with the Shattergang Brothers! They both brew around different abilities with Andy taking artifacts and Sean taking enchantments but decide it's probably for the best to actually combine both approaches. They also put their 2 cents in regarding the EDH rule changes/banning of Prophet.

Please rate and review us on iTunes!

Check out the decks we've brewed on tappedout.net:

Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

No Fun - 26

This week Sean and Andy take a look back at some real life decks they once had, but have since taken apart because for one reason or another, they were no fun. Using their budget style, they tweak the old decklists to try and come up with something more playable. The guys also talk about what a deck being "No fun" means in commander.

Please rate and review us on iTunes!

Check out the decks we've brewed on tappedout.net:

Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Phenax, God of Deception - 25

It's our 25th show! What better way to celebrate our quarter centur...ion? mark than by brewing around a Theros god?! Sean takes the "mill you to death" angle while Andy builds around tapping and untapping while getting value from Phenax!

Please rate and review us on iTunes!

Check out the decks we've brewed on tappedout.net:

Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Oath of the Gatewatch - 24

This week Andy and Sean take a look at some brand NEW generals from the spoilers of Oath of the Gatewatch. Landfall Nina & Denn and 5 Colour Allies?! YES PLEASE! We also briefly talk about the leaks/spoilers and their effect on the community.

Please rate and review us on iTunes!

Check out the decks we've brewed on tappedout.net:

Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.